¡Hola, Chica! Let’s get this party started by taking a deeper look into today’s topic: How to be Kind to Yourself as a Female Influencer. As always, drop a comment in the comment section of this blog post, so we can ALL keep the Party going & genuinely learn new value from each other.
In fact, did you know that “women criticize themselves at least eight times a day, with 40 percent admitting to starting as early as before 9:30 a.m” according to a study lead by Zoe Griffiths — the head of Public Health and Programming at Weight Watchers? This somber study is shocking (or perhaps not so shocking to many). While this particular article later went on to argue that Social Media has a massive role to play in the continual, contemporary combating of self-loathing, I concluded a very different Source to this ChicaStruggle.
7 Self-care Tips for the Busy #Blogger:
— Morgan T | Lifestyle Blogger & Coach (@morganbtyner) August 11, 2019
1. Define Your Why
2. Slow Down Your Yes
3. Realistic Goal Setting
4. Take Breaks in Your Schedule
5. Have a Support System
6. Do Non-Blogging Activities
7. Take a Self-Care Challenge@BloggerLS @BloggerTea @BloggingBabesRT @blogginggals
There are current (very real) struggles related to being truly kind to yourself as a female influencer. So, I’m going to provide you with three ways to be kind to yourself as a female influencer that will motivate you.
So, how do you normally respond when you receive a genuine compliment? Maybe it’s something along the lines of this: “Oh! You’re so sweet, but no…” or maybe you say something like this: “Oh but look at you…” and you completely take the focus (of the real compliment given to YOU) off of you.
Or, maybe you simply become uncomfortable and you are not sure how to respond to these compliments. But, here’s what I know: You are allowed to receive these genuine compliments given to you! On my YouTube Channel, I share a vlog chatting about my personal tips after going full-time into being a female influencer.
Let’s face it, some people in your Life (Sí, even family and friends) will likely criticize or question your personal endeavors with your becoming a female influencer and content creating. But, why are we each so quick to let those negative, unsupportive words and actions soak into us? And, why are we so much quicker to deny the compliments and support we do receive (both professionally and personally)?
Stop letting the compliments make you uncomfortable. A close friend of mine, Scovia Wilson, once shared with me the Art of Receiving Compliments. When someone gives you a compliment, you simply respond by saying, “I receive that.” In doing so, you are confidently receiving this compliment. You are grateful for the compliment, but you do not think on it too much.
And (on the flip side), if someone sends negativity or lack of support your way, you simply respond with, “I don’t receive that.” You can say this out-loud or even simply to yourself. NO ONE can make you feel a certain way or MAKE you receive words. You have the power to control our own self-talk, self-beliefs, and self-love in order to be kind to yourself as a female influencer.
We all have roadblock(s) standing in our path towards success. But, we should practice deeper self-awareness to see which roadblocks can feasibly be moved. It’s very easy to become frustrated, demotivated, and disheartened that these personal and/or professional roadblocks exist in the first place.
In doing so, you will get one step closer to truly achieving your your goals and be kind to yourself as a female influencer. Recognize them, Review them, and Remove them. Are you struggling to recognize, review, and remove your own roadblocks? If so, Come join the Grow Your Reach Workshop to gain the community you need to land dream brand deals and efficiently network online as a female influencer.
Make the intentional effort to do actual things your future self will thank you for. This could be a variety of things such as prioritizing your skincare, investing in your business, partaking in road trips, etc. It’s far too easy as an entrepreneurial woman to only have your mind on your business.
But, spending real time on things that enlighten, enrich, and empower you as a female influencer (personally, spiritually, and professionally) will bring you long-term growth (even in your business). So, be kind to yourself. Pay it forward. Enjoy your unique process and the journey of self discovery.
I’ve teamed up with five other amazing influencers Kelly Clark, Sam Gravener, Jessica Earner, Ruth Shapter, and Katie Rose to host this month-long Self Love Challenge. I’m a firm believer that being intentional with self care can completely enhance your journey as a female influencer. We believe curating an opportunity for you to fully embrace self love and self care is crucial. So, if you haven’t already, definitely download your own pre-made Self Care Journal. Also, be sure to checkout Ruth’s 30 Affirmations for Self Love and 6 Ways to Take a Break and De-Stress by Katie.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure YOU Bookmark this blog post to have when YOU need a place to turn in order to be kind to yourself as a female influencer.
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I'm a (bilingual) SomatIQ Breathwork Practitioner, wellness connoisseur, and published author!