¡Hola, Chica! Let’s get this party started by taking a deeper look into today’s topic: Seven Self-Care Strategies for Micro Influencers. As always, drop a comment in the comment section, so we can ALL keep the party going & genuinely learn new value from each other!
As a micro influencer, being busy just comes with the territory, am I right? Whether you just started or you’ve been in the journey for a while, it is very easy to get overwhelmed as a micro-influencer. So, this post is going to help you beat influencer burnout with the one thing every single micro influencer needs in her routine: Self-care Strategies!
Self-care is something that needs to be prioritized, scheduled, and executed daily in your intentional routine (and overall life in general). Over all, it’s going to keep you. (consistently) ultra-productive, derive creativity in times of difficult ruts, fight challenging overwhelm, and truly help you find that balance that ALL micro influencers are constantly searching for.
So, keep on reading to learn 7 different strategies on how you can incorporate self-care strategies into your life (right now) as micro influencer. Plus, you’ll gain authentic insight into my own struggles with self-care strategies. These struggles resulted in me vigorously creating this blog post.
Now, between creating effective content, building targeted traffic, managing your Time, running your social media, marketing with your Pinterest, AND starting new projects, adventures, etc. it’s easy to work past your limit.
Truth is, we have a million ideas spinning in our heads at once. All the way from blog posts, email opt-ins, YouTube video series, brand partnerships, etc. We scribble the ideas into our planner for the month and tell ourselves we can get it ALL done. As a result, we start out strong, motivated, and positive. Then, all of the sudden, we feel utterly drained and totally incapable.
So, our version of micro influencer anxiety and real burn-out sets in. Immediately, the full-on panic comes on, because we feel the need to keep going, keep going, keep going in order to stay fully caught up with our to-do list.
So, before I dive all 7 of my self-care strategies, I’m going to share my personal, real struggle with micro influencer burnout. Well, it was nearing the end of the 2018 year. I had just returned from an extended vagabonding trip throughout Europe with my husband, John Luke. I was at the top of my game mentally, socially, and with my micro influencing business.
Then, the new year quickly started. As a result, I had tons of goals in mind like landing more ideal brand partnerships, diving further into growing my social media marketing, etc.
In my head, all these plans seemed totally doable. Naturally, I wrote out my goals for the month of January. Then, I strategized each project I needed to focus significant energy on within my influencer business.
Then, one day I had some major editing issues with an online course. With tech-related tasks, we can often encounter issues, but this situation hit me hard. I had a important deadline to meet. So, I was not going to miss this deadline and thus disappoint my audience.
In the end, after staying up all night, I successfully posted my online course before my deadline. Finally, I sat down to simply breathe (for what felt like the first time in days). I instantly recognized my complete and total mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion.
Though I felt truly excited about what I’d accomplished, I also felt like a zombie. Truly, I felt extremely lost, completely unfocused, and very confused.
So, I spent a weekend practicing self-awareness and focusing on my own self care strategies.
During this time of self-reflection, I sat in silence. Also, I listened to my favorite music like Mumford and Sons, I prayed, I got a massage, and I meditated. It’s simply incredible what happens when we each get out of our own head and into our own heart. Basically, when we just breathe. Specifically, breathing deep, long, mindful breathes is crucial for inner peace.
Honestly, it felt extremely strange no spending time on my to-do-list. But that is my story, and I hope it helps any micro influencers struggling with self care strategies. Being very mindful of your own stress levels & real energy is so vital for growth.
Now, I’m going to share 7 strategies for practicing self-care strategies as busy micro influencers (and thus self-love, too). These are ALL geared towards micro influencers but they can definitely relate to anyone!
Truly, this should be defined from Day 1 of getting your influencer business orchestrated. Before you ever start, before you curate content…before you do anything with your influencer business, you must access yourself a question. So, ask yourself this: “What gets me excited? What is a problem I want to punch in the face that I can do something about? Why do I want to become a micro influencer?”
Over all, having a mission statement and clearly defined why not only keeps you from getting as overwhelmed, but it brings you energy, direction, and motivation when you need it the most. Along with this, it keeps you focused on your purpose -long-term- not just current needs.
At the end of the day, we all struggle with saying “yes” too often. Truly, no one can do it all. So, I learned that the hard way when I realized I was way too go, go, go with my goals. In other words, I was saying “yes” far too much.
Listen, not every opportunity that comes your way has to be a YES, right away. Basically, create a place where you can jot down all your fresh ideas. For example, these ideas could be in your notebook, one of your phone apps, in your planner, etc. Then, save certain ideas for another time when they better align with your goals for that month or week.
Let’s say you get seven brand partnership opportunities in one week. Ask yourself, “Need I say YES to ALL of these brand partnerships?” Then ask, “Would saying YES to ALL of them be very realistic? Will I have time to take care of myself and give my very best effort? Also, you should always ask yourself, “Do these brands align with my value system and mission? Does working with them ACTUALLY benefit my audience? Or, will taking all these brand partnership opportunities simply give me a little extra cash flow?
No doubt, you should ask yourself all these questions. In doing so, you’ll make the best possible decision for your micro influencer business. Don’t ever forget, you have to consider your audience, always.
No question, setting goals gives you motivation, accountability and perseverance as a micro influencer. So, plan out month-by-month what you want to accomplish in your business. Truly, it all starts with baby steps! Please note: I would not recommend planning the entire year out in advance. Remember, you cannot predict what will happen in every situation. Instead, it’s far more powerful to set quarterly (or monthly) goals that are realistic and aligned with your current, content creating plans.
Then, you can plan out weekly (and daily) goals. Remember, this will depend on your flow. So, adjust accordingly depending on what direction your micro influencing business moves.
Now, this is a really important tip. So, ask yourself how (and why) you want to accomplish these particular goals. And, ask yourself if they’re going to help you move closer to where you see yourself in the future. AlWAYS cultivate your business goals based off of long-term visions.
Listen, you have to incorporate a schedule into your business, or you will become extremely frustrated and unproductive. For example, I always write things down on pen and paper. Reason being, because that’s just what works well for me. However, you can use Google Docs (or any digital tool) in order to map out your schedule for the week. Over all, just find what works for you. Then, get rolling with that.
Yes, breaks should be a part of your schedule. Breaks are something I’ve always struggled with when it comes to my influencer business. Honestly, I’m the type of person that is on GO GO GO, until something is complete. I used to have the very warped mentality that breaks equal being unproductive. But, I’ve come to realize that lack of breaks (and a self-care strategies) are actually what slows me down and stresses me out.
Sometimes, you might reach a point where you need to take an extended break…as in a couple days, a week, or even weeks. This is okay! You are not a bad influencer. You are a smart micro influencer that is practicing self care for herself. Then, return to your business, when you are ready and prepared to jump back in.
3 Ways to Balance Your Day as a Busy Entrepreneur:
— Morgan T | Lifestyle Blogger & Coach (@morganbtyner) January 16, 2020
1. Start your day with "you" time & self-love/reflection.
2. Step away & partake in a hobby that reboots you.
3. Disconnect one hour before going to bed.
Retweet & share yours!💜@BloggingBabesRT @Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship
Pro tip: tell your audience when you take these extended breaks. They should be a part of your journey, and they want to be! Thus, communicating with your audience shows consistency, relationships, and respect. Amazingly, all of which set the foundation for a successful micro influencer business.
Having a support system is an essential self-care strategy as a micro influencer.
Knowing you’re not alone on your journey is key. Are you surrounded by people who just don’t get it, who think influencers are a joke, who think it’s a waste a time, or who think its a silly excuse for a job? My advice, please separate yourself from that bad energy. You do not need it!
Having a authentic, positive, supportive Community is EVERYTHING when you hit points in your journey where you feel like giving up. I have certainly been there. My support system kept me from quitting. Have an inspiring group of people who get you, who love you, and who respect you. And, who you can reach out to in times of need. This is honestly the most rewarding part of being a micro influencer. Find your tribe.
So, I will be the first one to raise my hand and admit to you that I’m really bad at this micro influencer self care strategy. But, you should absolutely incorporate activities that are non-influencer. Why? Firstly, it will help you recharge like a battery. Secondly, it brings you inspiration. Thirdly, it makes you genuinely joyful. Focus your attention on other self care strategies that make you feel fully alive and truly joyful. This makes you far more excited to return to your micro influencer business, and it will motivate you to come up with fresh content creating ideas.
So, do you know you need self-care, but you cannot gather up the drive to actually take action? Well, you need a good kick in the butt!
I love self care challenges that I can follow along with via simple pieces of wisdom in my email inbox. There are so many self care challenges available that you can follow along with as a micro influencer. An example would be Ampersand’s 30 Day Self-Care Challenge.
I share even more useful self-care hacks in my 5 steps for attracting dream partnerships with brands!! If this interests you, join my email list here to learn more! 🙃
1. Define your why as a micro influencer
2. Slow down your “yes” as a micro influencer
3. Realistic goal setting with your micro influencer business
4. Take breaks in your schedule as a micro influencer
5. Have a support system as a micro influencer
6. Incorporate non-influencer activities into your weekly routine
7. Take a self-care challenge as a micro influencer
What ways do you practice regular self-care strategies? Please share your self care strategies below, so we can all learn more ways to prevent future micro influencer burnouts!
Some links on this blog post are affiliate links, which means I get a small percentage if you decide to purchase anything. Thank you! (Gracias!)
I’m PULLING BACK THE CURTAINS on my three key strategies to attract long-term, paid brand deals as a micro influencer. If you want a taste of how this works, sign-up for my free class here.
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I'm a (bilingual) SomatIQ Breathwork Practitioner, wellness connoisseur, and published author!
I really like the way you tied these self-care practices to your business! I think being more careful about how often we say “yes” and scheduling in breaktimes are definitely things I can be doing more in my own life. Thanks for sharing!
Slowing down, having a support system, and making time for projects and things related to other things each week is so important. I’m not an influencer, but being a full-time blogger for the past 6 years has made me get to a place where I HAVE to schedule out time for just me or just me and my husband, rather than working nonstop (which is my tendency). Great tips here!
Burnout is real! I enjoyed how you angled these self-care ideas specifically for micro-influencers, it can be easy to get wrapped up in constantly creating and working on your business that you forget to make that time for yourself. Setting realistic goals is super important– you don’t have to do it all!
It’s so easy to get burnt out when there’s so many things you could be doing and being pulled in many directions. I find that setting goals for each day and carving out time away from social media has helped so much. These are great suggestions, thanks for sharing these self care strategies!
These are all such great ideas! I think that having activities outside of being an influencer is especially important – I find that my content is interesting when my blog revolves around my life instead of having my life revolve around my blog.