The              is empowering

Release what isn't serving you


SomatIQ™ Breathwork is a transformative wellness journey that empowers the individual to clear mental and emotional blockages. This leads to enhanced clarity, wellness, and more harmonious alignment in one's personal wellness & purpose.

Remember who you are

Reconnect with your truest self

Book a session with me with whatever option works best for you!


Most business owners & entrepreneurs have incredible dreams, impressive work ethics, and huge wins. But with all this comes undeniable stress and overwhelm. Most of them just suppress that stress. Which is a HUGE PROBLEM.

To become sensitive is to become more alive. When we have long term, chronic instinctual nervous system defenses that are activated, it deadens our ability to feel the full spectrum of being alive. 

The first step to healing is to connect our minds back to our bodies. We must learn to re-member ourselves. Re-member our soma & psyche back together.

Somatic (i.e of the body) sensation is our birthright. It's how we are born into the world.


trauma is not what happens to you, it's what happens inside of you based on what's happened to you.

It's been a wild journey, but SBW™ has helped me re-member myself when I was buried in numbness, as an entrepreneur.

Morgan is a              SBW™ Practitioner 


Here's What's Included:

Access to after-care recommendations, ensuring you get the most out of your experience.

A downloadable Post- Journey Integration Journal for you to keep and re-use.

A SomatIQ™ Breathwork Session of your choice guided by Morgan Tyner

"Morgan was very confident and spoke with clarity so I could fully understand the process. I felt really safe in the session which allowed me to go deeper into my own process. She set up a beautiful container and I was really thankful for her guidance. I felt Morgan's presence throughout the entire session. She allowed me to express and hold space for everything I released. I'm really grateful for her presence, it allowed me to let go. I also felt seen and heard. It was everything I needed to get ready for the new year! Thank you so much again for your support today, it means the world.  She is an incredible practitioner of this work! You can feel, see & hear it through her expression. You are amazing, Morgan!"

Hali B.


You’ll have an opportunity to connect with the innate intelligence of the body. You will have the chance to disconnect from the noise around you and tune in to what's happening in your mind, body & spirit. 

You'll be able to elevate your state & felt sense.

You’ll have the opportunity to relieve anxiety, stress & overwhelm

You’ll be able to become more clear in your purpose & embody it in your reality. 

Spent days, months, even years trying to "master your mindset" only to end up even more dis-regulated & frustrated than before.

Have you tried this...

Feeling like you are "not allowed" to express your emotions. Like holding it together for others & yourself is necessary.

Done therapy to talk out your struggles, emotions, and thoughts. But somehow you still end up holding onto stress.

FYI - You're not alone!

Trust me, I've tried it all too...

SBW™ uses the power of your breath to help move through stuck energy and emotions in your body. This can provide stress relief and mental clarity. 

There's another way!

What happy clients are saying...

"Morgan is very confident in explaining the process and providing examples of some of the feelings we might have & physical things we might experience. Morgan made me feel safe & comfortable. She stayed close & guided me through which made it feel comfortable."

Andrea W.

"Her confident guidance was both powerful and calming. The best parts of the session to me is when she said that 'I don’t have to carry all that weight anymore' and 'I can just let is go with each breath'. Holding “out” the air was also new to me!"

Lizel Z.

"Morgan's guidance, intuition, energy, and presence was so powerful. Morgan is also a great listener. I felt very seen & heard the entire session. Morgan's ability to hold space is incredible. She is going to change so many lives."

"Morgan is super comforting and professional. I loved this. I got a lot of clarity and some messages I have not previously received in other therapies. Thank you very much!"

“I went into the session with an open mind and without expectation. My intention was to be present in the moment for myself. By the end of the session, I was energized and relaxed at the same time. I felt clarity and peace with my current state. During the session, my eyes, lips, arms, hands, and legs were filled with sensation that allowed me to remain centered and grounded during the experience. I was relieved from internal stress and chaos. Morgan was an excellent guide for SBW. She fostered a safe environment to express released emotions and feelings. Her guidance and voice were soothing and meditative. Her instruction and transitions during the session were clear and thoughtfully timed. This was an exceptional first time experience for me and I will be trying a 1:1 session with Morgan in the future!”

"Morgan was calm and confident. The best part was knowing I dedicated an hour of my time solely to care for and nurture myself and release things I'd been holding on to. She was supportive and guiding, intuitive, and kind. I felt that there was space for me to share at the end if I wanted to but not pressure to do so either."

JoAnne C.

Chelsey H.

Hillary W.

Katie N.


I'm a PASSIONATE advocate for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and content creators who want to live in their truest purpose, without the noise of inner doubt, stress, and dis-regulation!

For the past five years I’ve wrestled with the mental, emotional, and financial roadblocks of building an online personal brand. After trying just about everything to implement internal mindset shifts & step-by-step methodologies, I was left feeling numb and frustrated. I decided it was time to uproot & dig deeper. SBW™ is the modality I never expected, but was exactly what I truly needed.

¡Hola! I'm Morgan Tyner

"Anyone that has a blog listen up!! Morgan reviewed my blog and her advice was stellar! Anyone needing tips & advice, she is your go to gal! She really really helped me revamp my website and blog. Her content has been a GREAT resource for me!! She reminds me to focus on why I started my blog and stick to it, which helps me stay motivated. She has taught me that giving up on my blog is not an option!"

Fashion Blogger

Mari Lang

Hannah Nicole Knighton

"Morgan gives really focused and insightful feedback. She’s supportive and constructive in her criticism and analysis. She helped me focus my goals in blogging and gave me pointers for having a more accessible blog page!!"

Lifestyle Blogger //

"Morgan has taught me SO MUCH to be honest. She immediately made me feel welcome to her community. She teaches me how to grow my engagement, organically. She even offered me a free growth guide, that I LOVE & IT WORKS! She has showed me that engaging with my audience/being authentic is MOST IMPORTANT!"

Lifestyle Blogger // @lottelangendijk

Lotte Langendijk

"Morgan gave me more confidence in recognizing that I have a valuable voice with great information to offer. I sometimes doubt myself, so I am grateful for this encouragement. She has also helped me to realize that there are things about by blog that I can improve on and actions that will add value to my blog. I've never had an outside perspective other than family members, so it's great to have a professional look over my blog and give me advice from her standpoint. Morgan gave me actionable, useful advice that I can implement to improve my blog and business."

Kathryn Schwab

Health Blogger //

Morgan has taught me SO MUCH to be honest. She immediately made me feel welcome to her community. She teaches me how to grow my engagement, organically. She even offered me a free growth guide, that I LOVE & IT WORKS! She has showed me that engaging with my audience/being authentic is MOST IMPORTANT!

Jacey Smith

Lifestyle Blogger //

You feel disconnected from your body and heart,

SBW™ is right for you if...

You are anxious, overwhelmed, and stressed out daily.

Stress drives your decision making.

You struggle with setting aside time to connect with self and hardly ever implement self-care.

You suffer from imposter syndrome and limited beliefs about yourself



Q: How long is a SBW™ session?

A: Please allow 90 minutes for the following:
* 15 minutes for Intake and overview of the SomatIQ™ Breathwork session

* 60 minutes for SomatIQ™ Breathwork session

* 15 minutes for Integration and sharing

* Plus, 15 minute Follow up call 3-5 days after session


Q: What type of breathing will we do? Is it intense?

A: I will be guiding you and pushing you with the first half of clearing. But if at anytime you feel it’s too much and want to slow it down, you have your foot on the gas pedal the whole time. This is your journey. And I’m here with you, but as your guide. The second half breathing is much more gentle. It's more if a re-patterning breathing (deep inhales through the nose, long exhales through the mouth)

Q: Are there any contraindications for SBW™?

A: Yes. SomatIQ™ Breathwork is intended as a personal growth experience and should not be looked upon as a substitute for psychotherapy. It is not appropriate for pregnant women, for persons with cardiovascular problems, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, history of seizures, stroke, major psychiatric conditions, recent surgery, acute infectious illness or epilepsy. If you have any doubt about whether you should participate, please consult with your physician(s). Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their physician(s).

Q: Do you offer remote/virtual sessions?

A: Of course! I do both 1:1 and group virtual sessions through Zoom! SomatIQ™ Breathwork is a beautiful movement. I want to give as many people as possible the opportunity to receive.

Q: Do you offer sessions in another language besides English?

A: I do! I also can guide sessions in Spanish! Both virtually and in-person.

...a wellness modality that offers you a safe space to release suppressed stress & trauma from the body, to finally live a freer life connected with your truest self. SBW™ is personal development tool utilizing the power of breath. When you clear your become clear and have more capacity to embrace your purpose.

It's Time You Feel into Your Truest Purpose & Potential